Saturday, 31 March 2012

Long Term Care Insurance - Secure Your Future


 Planning for our old age is one big portion of our lives that we assume too much when we plan. Old age is a time when we retire and relax with our hard earned money, but unfortunately today's lifestyle takes away health too quickly. There are too many old people right now who are dependent on support services.
Analysts say that health conditions are showing indicators of even less healthy people in future, despite developments in health sciences. It is because there are fewer healthy young people now than they were before. It is a scary trend but for this reason long term care insurance was launched.

This insurance product was particularly target to those 40% of old citizens who were expected to require services of nursing homes. It is a boring fate to survive but these services demand more money now. Statistics claim that now 50% of the entire American population is in danger of such a fate.

When one reaches old age, it becomes very difficult to be in a fit position to earn money, let alone pay for nursing services. Good services will charge you a lot which is why this kind of insurance will at least ensure you will live comfortably. It may even be a norm in the future but the expenses will make life difficult.

As you will go through the long term care insurance blog you will come to know about the new problem brewing for the insurance industry. President Obama wanted to launch this scheme to help uplift the old age population. Unfortunately the business model was not proving to be a feasible one because it was too dependent on premium money which the claimants were paying mostly.

This is an insurance product that survives of a big pool of money that is also taken from healthy individuals. Healthy people never see this risk coming so they never sign up for this problem and instead those who are facing medical problems are already singing up for the claims. Eventually the only thing that could make it survive was taxpayer's money and that was not feasible.

As the program went to a close, it taught us a very important lesson about our health. While insurance is the best way to assure us of our future, it needs to be sustainable. There is a big demand for this kind of product and to make this possible for our previous generation, we all have to contribute.

There are many complications in old age and saving up all your money is not the safest way to go around it. This kind of insurance will surely evolve to a better package that will be sustainable. But the fastest way for it to be a success is when all of us will contribute to this in support of our future and philanthropy.

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